Military training reports

Whenever you make a training you should report it here.
Its usefull for us to know what you guys are doing when we are not around here.

You should use this format:

Training number:
What did you do in the training:
Who was in the training (names, not ss):
Did anyone show extraordinary good behavior?:
Anything else we need to know?:
Optional screenshots:


Training number: .....
Host: PFC+-Soldier
What did you do in the training: Ammo transport
Who was in the training(names, not ss): BCS-Soldier, RCT-Soldier, PVT-Soldier and CPT-Soldier (only name Mili members)
Did anyone show extraordinary good behavior?: PVT-Soldier did way more than anyone else and is worth mentioning
Anything else we need to know?: I really loved hosting this
Optional screenshots: